

This Kid Had Bronchiolitis

"Heart rate 162, respirations 75, and his sat is only 86%... Her temp is 38.8." She had nasal flaring, coarse lung sounds with inspiratory/expiratory wheezing, and some subcostal and intercostal retractions with slightly sunken fontanels and an occasional cough.  She was sleepy, but she interacted with her mom okay. Mom was VERY anxious. The patient was a 5-month-old female without any medical problems or known allergies. She had coryzal symptoms - the hallmarks of an upper respiratory tract infection - for the last 1-2 days before her difficulty breathing started tonight. She lives with Mom, Dad, and an older brother - all of whom have been well. It's believed she "picked up a bug" from daycare. It was the beginning of January - right in the middle of RSV season. We did this call every night. This kid had bronchiolitis. Bronchiolitis is an acute inflammatory disease, usually caused by a viral infection of the lower respiratory tract. This is generally only a pr

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